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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Metode Penilaian Mesin dan Peralatan

Metode Penilaian mesin sama dengan penilaian tanah dan bangunan. Penilaian mesin dapat ditempuh melalui 3 jenis metode penilaian, yaitu :

1. Penilaian dengan pendekatan Perbandingan data Pasar (Market Data Approach)
2. Penilaian dengan pendekatan Kalkulasi BIaya (Cost Approach)
3. Penilaian dengan pendekatan Kapitalisasi Pendapatan (Income Approach)

Dari ketiga pendekatan penilaian tersebut, yang paling lazim dipergunakan khususnya di indonesia adalah penilaian dengan pendekatan Kalkulasi biaya (Cost Approach). Penggunakan metode Penilaian tersebut dikarenakan data-data penunjang yang diperlukan dalam melakukan proses penilaian dengan mempergunakan metode penilaian perbandingan data pasar dan metode penilaian kapitalisasi pendapatan terbatas atau langka.

1. Penilaian Dengan Pendekatan Perbandingan Data Pasar (Market Data Approach)
Dalam penilaian dengan pendekatan perbandingan data pasar, nilai mesin ditentukan berdasarkan pada perbandingan terhadap data transaksi jual-beli yang baru terjadi atas mesin dan peralatan yang sejenis, dengan penyesuaian secukupnya terhadap perbedaan-perbedaan yang ada.

Kesulitan yang dihadapi dalam melakukan penilaian mesin dan peralatannya melalui pendekatan perbandingan data pasar, khususnya di indonesia adalah tidak adanya pasar jual-beli dari mesin-mesin bekas pakai, terlebih lagi untuk mesin-mesin yang bersifat khusus. Karena alasan ini maka penilaian dengan pendekatan perbandingan data pasar jarang dilakukan dalam penilaian mesin dan peralatannya terkecuali untuk jenis mesin tertentu seperti pembangkit daya listrik dengan kapaitas rendah serta kendaraan bermotor yang data pembandingnya mudah diperoleh.

2. Penilaian Dengan Pendekatan Kalkulasi Biaya (Cost Approach)
Prinsip dasar penilaian dengan pendekatan kalkulasi biaya adalah menentukan besarnya biaya reproduksi baru serta biaya besarnya penyusutan yang telah terjadi dari suatu mesin atau peralatannya. Pengurangan biaya reproduksi baru dengan penyusutan yang telah terjadi adalah merupakan Nilai Wajar dari mesin tersebut.

Istilah Biaya Reproduksi Baru (Cost of reproduction , new) sebenarnya kurang tepat digunakan dalam penilaian mesin dan peralatannya karena mesin tidak dapat direproduksi atau dibuat ulang tetapi diganti dengan yang serupa, sehingga istilah Biaya Pengganti Baru (Cost of Replacement New) lebih tepat dipakai. Dalam hal ini dapat dikecualikan untuk mesin yang dirancang khusus untuk penggunaan tertentu dimana tidak dapoat digantikan dengan unit yang sama tetapi harus direproduksi.

Salah satu kelemahan dari metode penilaian ini adalah bahwasanya nilai yang dihasilkan tidak mencerminkan nilai ekonomis sesungguhnya dan nilai pasar dari mesin-mesin yang dinilai. Oleh karena itu nilai wajar yang dihasilkan sering disebut sebagai Nilai Wajar Dalam Penggunaan atau Owner Value, artinya nilai mesin lebih merefleksikan keuntungan ekonomis yang dihasilkan oleh mesin tersebut selama penggunaannya, tentunya bagi si pemilik atau si pengelola. Dalam hal ini tampak sekali adanya unsur subjektivitas dalam penentuan nilainya.

3. Penilaian Dengan Pendekatan Kapitalisasi Pendapatan (Income Approach)
Dalam metode penilaian ini, nilai mesin diperoleh berdasarkan pada proyeksi kemampuan mesin tersebut untuk menghasilkan pendapatan selama sisa umur ekonomisnya. Proyeksi pendapatan ini kemudian dikapitalisasi dengan cara tertentu menjadi Nilai Wajar dari mesin tersebut.

Pada kenyataannya, jarang sekali terdapat mesin yang secara tersendiri dapat menghasilkan pendapatan, tetapi selalu terkait dengan fasilitas produksi lainnya, sehingga sulit untuk memperhitungkan besarnya pendapatan yang murni dihasilkan oleh mesin tersebut, oleh karena itu penilaian dengan pendekatan kapitalisasi pendapatan jarang dipergunakan dalam penilaian mesin dan peralatannya.

UK valuation methods

In the United Kingdom, valuation methodology has traditionally been classified into five methods:
1. Comparable method. Used for most types of property where there is good evidence of previous sales. This is analogous to the sales comparison approach outlined above.
2. Investment/income method. Used for most commercial (and residential) property that is producing future cash flows through the letting of the property. If the current Estimated Rental Value (ERV) and the passing income are known, as well as the market-determined equivalent yield, then the property value can be determined by means of a simple model. Note that this method is really a comparison method, since the main variables are determined in the market. In standard US practice, however, the closely related capitalising of NOI is confounded with the DCF method under the general classification of the income capitalization approach (see above).
3. Accounts/profits method. Used for trading properties where evidence of rates is slight, such as hotels, restaurants and old-age homes. A three-year average of operating income (derived from the profit and loss or income statement) is capitalised using an appropriate yield. Note that since the variables used are inherent to the property and are not market-derived, therefore unless appropriate adjustments are made, the resulting value will be Value-in-Use or Investment Value, not Market Value.
4. Development/residual method. Used for properties ripe for development or redevelopment or for bare land only.
5. Contractor's/cost method. Used for only those properties not bought and sold on the market. Both the development/residual method and the contractor's/cost method would be grouped in the US under the cost approach (see above).


Sifat Umum Investasi dan Ciri-Ciri Pasar Property

Sifat Umum dari Investasi Dalam Bidang Property
Keuntungan yang dapat diraih pada investasi dibidang properti:
1. Income (Pendapatan)
2. Appreciation (Kenaikan Nilai)
3. Added Value (Penambahan Nilai)

Pasar Property mempunyai ciri-ciri :

a. Immobility, properti tidak mudah untuk dipindahkan atau direlokasikan
b. Heterogenity, properti masing2 memiliki karakteristik yang unik dan berbeda satu dengan lainnya
c. Unliquid, properti tidak mudah untuk secepatnya ditukar dalam bentuk uang
d. Durability, properti merupakan bahan tahan lama
e. Legal complexity, terkait dengan aspek legal yg berhubungan dengan hak penguasaan

Hubungan antara harga, prospek pembeli dan waktu menjual dapat digambarkan sbb: Harga tinggi - Tidak ada pembeli - tidak dapat dijual
 Harga wajar - Hanya ada satu pembeli - 60 hari s/d 90 hari
 Harga rendah - Ada banyak calon pembeli - 15 s/d 59 hari
 Harga murah - banyak sekali pembeli - dapat dijual segera

Informasi Pasar Property
Informasi pasar properti dapat diperoleh dari :
1. Agen properti
2. Penilai / Appraiser
3. Iklan dan berita dari surat kabar
4. Laporan agen properti
5. Laporan lembaga keuangan
6. Informasi dari kantor pemerintah

Types of ownership interest

Implicit in the analysis of the subject property is a determination of the interest in the property being appraised. For most common situations (e.g. -- mortgage finance) the fee simple interest is explicitly assumed since it is the most complete bundle of rights available. However, in many situations, and in many societies which do not follow English Common Law or the Napoleanic Code, some other interest may be more common. While there are many different possible interests in real estate, the three most common are:
• Fee simple value (known in the UK as freehold) - The most complete ownership in real estate, subject in common law countries to the powers reserved to the state (taxation, escheat, eminent domain, and police power)
• Leased fee value - This is simply the fee simple interest encumbered by a lease. If the lease is at market rent, then the leased fee value and the fee simple value are equal. However, if the tenant pays more or less than market, the residual owned by the leased fee holder, plus the market value of the tenancy, may be more or less than the fee simple value.
• Leasehold value - The interest held by a tenant. If the tenant pays market rent, then the leasehold has no market value. However, if the tenant pays less than market, the difference betweent the present value of what is paid and the present value of market rents would be a positive leasehold value. For example, a major chain retailer may be able to negotiate a below-market lease to serve as the anchor tenant for a shopping center. This leasehold value may be transferrable to another anchor tenant, and if so the retail tenant has a positive interest in the real estate.


Tujuan Penilaian

Penilai harus mengetahui tujuan penilaian, hal ini penting karena berpengaruh pada jenis nilai dan metode penilaian yang digunakan. Misalnya tujuan penilaian untuk jaminan pelunasan hutang nilai yang dibutuhkan adalah nilai Pasar dan nilai Likuidasi.

Nilai Pasar
adalah Estimasi jumlah uang pada tanggal penilaian yang dapat diperoleh dari transaksi jual beli atau hasil penukaran suatu aset antara pembeli yang berminat membeli dan penjual yang berminat menjual dalam suatu transaksi bebas ikatan, yang pemasarannya dilakukan secara layak, dimana kedua pihak masing-masing mengetahui, bertindak hati-hati dan tanpa paksaan.(SPI 2007)

Nilai Jual paksa (Forced sale value)
didefinisikan sebagai sejumlah uang yang mungkin diterima dari penjualan suatu properti dalam jangka waktu yang relatif pendek , untuk dapat memenuhi jangka waktu pemasaran dalam definisi nilai pasar. Pada beberapa situasi Nilai Jual Paksa dapat melibatkan penjual yang tidak berminat menjual, dan pembeli yang membeli dengan mengetahui situasi yang tidak menguntungkan penjual.(SPI 2007)

Penggunaan Terbaik dan tertinggi (Highest & Best use)
didefinisikan sebagai penggunaan yang paling layak dan optimal dari suatu aset,yang secara fisik dimungkinkan,dapat dibenarkan secara wajar,secara hukum sah,secara financial layak dan menghasilkan nilai tertinggi

Biaya Reproduksi Baru(RCN)
adalah jumlah uang yang dikeluarkan untuk reproduksi/pengganti properti yang dihitung berdasarkan harga pasaran setempat sekarang/pada tanggal penilaiannya untuk bahan / material atau unit, biaya jasa kontraktor/arsitek/konsultan teknik termasuk keuntungan, biaya instalasi,biaya supervisi,biaya tenaga ahli teknik termasuk semua pengeluaran standart, yang berkaitan dengan angkutan,asuransi,pondasi,bea masuk,PPN,PPh impor dan biaya bunga selama masa konstruksi tetapi tidak termasuk biaya upah lembur dan premi/bonus.

Pengertian umum propertiProperty adalah konsep hukum mengenai benda berwujud (tangible) dan tidak berwujud (intangible) yang mempunyai nilai

Properti terdiri dari :
1. Real Properti
2. Personal properti
3. Kegiatan Usaha (Business)
4. Hak kepemilikan secara Financial (Financial interest)

Governing authorities and professional organizations

In Malaysia, real estate appraisal is known as Property Valuer. Valuer is a professional who has been educated and trained to determine the value of fixed property, execute feasibility studies and provide expert advice on property related matters. An independent Valuer can provide impartial and motivated reports on the value of real or limited rights in land.
The Valuer requires a combination of a number of professional qualities and capabilities, and needs a thorough knowledge and understanding of the interacting influences which create, maintain or diminish the value of property or rights therein. The Valuer does not invent value, but interprets market forces, which determine the value. Valuer is a profession closely related to real estate. A Valuer determines the value of property based upon market conditions at a given time.
One of the frequent applications of the Valuer's skill is to determine values for purchase or sale, and for insurance purposes.
Valuers are qualified to undertake valuations in all classes of properties, including commercial and industrial properties; all types of residential properties, agricultural and special use properties. However, most Valuers tend to specialize and do not undertake the full range of valuations. It is therefore vitally important for clients to select and appoint a registered Valuer with the relevant practical experience required to undertake the specific valuation.
While it is essential as professional, the Valuers are governed by The Board of Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents under provision of Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents Act 1981. Its primary function is to regulate the Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents practicing in Malaysia.


Prinsip-prinsip dalam penilaian

Prinsip-Prinsip dalam Penilaian terdiri dari :

1. Highest and best use (Penggunaan terbaik dan tertinggi) Nilai suatu tanah kosong dimungkinkan lebih tinggi dari tanah yang ada bangunannya. Ada 2 kriteria yg menentukan penggunaan HBU yaitu Permintaan dan peraturan untuk peruntukan

2. Suppy & demand (persediaan dan permintaan) Properti mempunyai nilai apabila properti tsb dapat digunakan. Nilai akan naik bila pesediaan tanah berkurang, dimana orang memerlukan tanah. Misalnya didaerah yang padat penduduknya.

3. Substitusi (Pinsip pengganti) Pembeli suatu properti tidak akan membayar lebih terhadap suatu properti dibandingkan dengan biaya pembelian properti lain yang sama, artinya properti yang lebih murah yang akan terjual lebih dahulu.

4. Anticipation (prinsip keuntungan yg diharapkan properti) Nilai suatu properti adalah harapan akan keuntungan dimasa yang akan datang akan High and best use / penggunaan dari properti tersebut.

5. Change(Perubahan) Nilai selalu berubah-ubah dan dipengaruhi oleh banyak variabel antara lain jumlah penduduk, perubahan kondisi ekonomi, adanya pusat perbelanjaan baru, perubahan politik negara dll.

6. Conformity(kesesuaian) Properti yg terletak dilingkungan yang cocok baik sosial maupun ekonomi akan mempunyai nilai yang maksimum.

7. Competition (Prinsip persaingan) Semua bentuk usaha menginginkan mendapatkan keuntungan.properti tidak terkecuali.Bila permintaan besar akan suatu properi developer akan mendapat keuntungan yang besar. Developer lain akan masuk ke lokasi tsb. Maka timbul persaingan dan keuntungan akan turun. Nilai properti akan dipengaruhi oleh tingkat persaingan tsb.

8. Increasing and decreation return (penambahan dan pengurangan pendapatan) Prinsip dasar ekonomi mengatakan bahwa pertambahan biaya pada suatu usaha belum tentu memberikan penambahan dalam pendapatan.Demikian juga dalam usaha dibidang properti berlaku juga kondisi bahwa penambahan biaya pada suatu properti belum tentu akan menambah penghasilan properti tsb. Nilai properti tersebut tidak bertambah, bahkan akan berkurang/turun.

9. Consisten use(penggunaan yang tetap) Tanah dan bangunan harus dinilai sesuai dengan penggunaan yang sesuai dengan peruntukannya..Properti harus dinilai berdasarkan penggunaan yang pasti.

Dalam kenyataannya, nilai dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa factor yang mengakibatkan nilai tersebut naik / turun. Faktor tersebut adalah :

1. Faktor fisik, alam dan lingkungan
– Yang mencakup antara lain iklim dan topografi, tingkat kesuburan tanah, sumber mineral dan banjir

2. Faktor Sosial
– Yang mencakup populasi penduduk, perubahan kepadatan, distribusi geografis atas kelompok ras masyarakat dan perkembangan pendidikan dan aktivitas sosial
3. Faktok politik dan kebijaksanaan Pemerintah
– Yg mencakup peruntukan, rencana tatakota, pembatasan pendirian bangunan, Kredit Perumahan Rakyat

4. Faktor Ekonomi
– Baik ekonomi mikro maupun makro yg. mencakup tingkat pengangguran, perubahan gaji pegawai, perluasan sektor industri, perubahan tingkat bunga bank dll.

Governing authorities and professional organizations

The various US and international professional organizations have started collaborating in recent years towards the development of International Valuation Standards which will facilitate global real estate appraisal, a much-needed adjunct to real estate investment portfolios which transcend national boundaries.
The IVSC - The International Valuation Standards Committee, is a Non-governmental Organisation (NGO) member of the UN, with membership that encompasses all the major national valuation standard-setters and professional associations from 41 different countries (including the Appraisal Institute, the RICS and the Appraisal Institute of Canada). IVSC have published the International Valuation Standards (IVS), now in their 8th edition.


Jenis-Jenis Nilai

Dari banyak istilah nilai, beberapa yang dikenal masyarakat adalah :

Nilai Pasar (Market Value) adalah perkiraan jumlah uang pada tanggal penilaian, yang dapat diperoleh dari transaksi jual beli atau hasil penukaran suatu asset, antara pembeli yang berminat membeli dengan penjual yang berminat menjual, dalam suatu transaksi bebas ikatan, yang penawarannya dilakukan secara layak dan kedua pihak masing-masing mengetahui, bertindak hati-hati dan tanpa paksaan

Nilai pasar untuk penggunaan yang ada (Market value for existing use) adalahh nilai pasar dari suatu asset berdasarkan kelanjutan dari penggunaan yang ada, dengan asumsi bahwa asset tersebut dapat dijual di pasar terbuka untuk penggunaan yagn ada saat itu, tetapi tetap sesuai dengan definisi nilai pasar tanpa memperhitungkan apakah penggunaan yang ada menggambarkan penggunaan terbaik dan tertinggi dari asset tersebut.

Nilai asuransi (Insurable value) adalah nilai property sebagaimana yang diterapkan berdasarkan kondisi-kondisi yang dinyatakan di dalam kontrak atau polis asuransi dan dituangkan dalam definisi yang jelas dan terinci

Nilai Buku (Book Value) adalah biaya perolehan (historical cost) yang dikurangi dengan sejumlah penyusutan yang telah dibebankan yang muncul selama umur penggunaan asset tersebut.

Nilai investasi (investment value) adalah nilai dari suatu perusahaan atau saham (business interest) atau kepentingan dalam perusahaan yang bersifat spesifik terhadap seorang investor, didasarkan pada atau terkait dengan persyaratan tertentu dari seorang atau kelompok investor

Nilai jual paksa (forced sale value) adalah sejumlah uang yang mungkin diterima dari penjualan suatu property dalam jangka waktu yang relative pendek untuk dapat memenuhi jangka waktu pemasaran dalam definisi nilai pasar. Pada beberapa situasi nilai jual paksa dapat melibatkan penjual yang tidak berminat menjual, dan pembeli yang membeli dengan mengetahui situasi yang tidak menguntungkan penjual.

Nilai kena pajak (assessed, rateable, taxable value) adalah nilai berdasarkan definisi yang tertuang dalam peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku berkaitan dengan penetapan, tarif dan atau penentuan pajak property. Walaupun beberapa peraturan perundang-undangan mungkin mengutip nilai pasar sebagai dasar dari perkiraan, metodologi penilaian yang diisyaratkan mungkin memberikan hasil yang berbeda dari nilai pasar seperti yang telah didefiniskan diatas. Nilai kena pajaka adalah bukan nilai pasar.

Nilai Khusus (special Value) adalah nilai yang diperoleh karena unsur luar biasa dari nilai sehingga melebihi nilai pasar. Nilai khusu dapat terjadi misalnya oleh karena kaitan fisik, fungsi, atau ekonomi dari property dengan property lainnya seperty property yang berkesinambungan.

Nilai perusahaan sebagai usaha yang berjalan (Going Concern Value) adalah nilai suatu usaha secara keseluruhan.

Nilai realisasi bersih (net realizable value) adalah perkiraan harga jual suatu asset dalam suatu usaha yang berjalan sebagimana biasa, dikurangi biaya penjualan dan biaya penyelesaian.

Nilai sekrap (Scrap value) adalah perkiraan jumlah uang yang akan diperoleh dari transaksi jual beli dari bagian-bagian/material suatu property (tidak termasuk tanah) tidak untuk suatu kegunaan yang produktif.

Types of value

There are several types and definitions of value sought by a real estate appraisal. Some of the most common are:
• Market Value – The price at which an asset would trade in a competitive Walrasian auction setting. Market Value is usually interchangeable with Open Market Value or Fair Value. International Valuation Standards (IVS) define Market Value as:
Market Value is the estimated amount for which a property should exchange on the date of valuation between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arms-length transaction after proper marketing wherein the parties had each acted knowledgably, prudently, and without compulsion.[2]
• Value-in-use – The net present value (NPV) of a cash flow that an asset generates for a specific owner under a specific use. Value-in-use is the value to one particular user, and is usually below the market value of a property.
• Investment value - is the value to one particular investor, and is usually higher than the market value of a property.
• Insurable value - is the value of real property covered by an insurance policy. Generally it does not include the site value.
• Liquidation value -- may be analyzed as either a forced liquidation or an orderly liquidation and is a commonly sought standard of value in bankruptcy proceedings. It assumes a seller who is compelled to sell after an exposure period which is less than the market-normal timeframe.


Monday, April 20, 2009

Jadual Ujian Sertifikasi Penilai 2009

Nomor : 0153/MAPPI/DP/III/2009

Jakarta, 27 Maret 2009

Kepada Yth.
Calon Peserta
Ujian Sertifikasi Penilai (USP)
Periode I/2009

Perihal Jadual Ujian Sertifikasi Penilai (USP)
Penilaian Property/Bisnis Periode I/2009

Dewan Penguji USP akan menyelenggarakan Ujian Sertifikasi Penilai dengan kualifikasi Penilai Properti dan Penilai Bisnis untuk Periode I/2009, dengan jadual sebagai berikut :

Ketentuan/ syarat peserta ujian USP :
1. Anggota MAPPI
2. Pendidikan SI
3. Melunasi Iuran anggota MAPPI
4. Melunasi Biaya Ujian
- a. Peserta Baru : Rp. 3.200.000,-
- b. Mengulang : Rp. 750.000,- per Modul
- c. Mengulang ujian lisa : Rp. 750.000,-
5. Mengisi formulir yang disediakan ( untuk peserta baru)
6. Menyerahkan pas photo terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 3 (tiga) lembar berwarna
7. Rekaman ijazah SI legalisir asli
8. Menyerahkan foto copy KTP yang masih berlaku
9. Dewan penguji tidak menerima pendaftaran yang tidak tepat waktu
10. Bagi anggota P (peserta) yang lulus ujian USP hanya akan memperoleh Surat Tanda Lulus dan surat tersebut tidak/belum dapat dipergunakan untuk penurusan Izin Penilai ke Departemen Keuangan sampai anggota tersebut merubah status keanggotaannya sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku (Anggota S)

Pembayaran ujian hanya dapat dilakukan melalui transfer ke rekening ;

A/c. : (hub sekretariat)
A/n. : (hub sekretariat)

Demikian kami sampaikan atas perhatian yang diberikan diucapkan terima kasih.

Informasi lebihlanjut hubungi kantor sekretariat MAPPI

Jl. Raya Kalibata No. 11-12 Jakarta Selatan
Telp. (021) 794-9079, 791-81076, Fax. : (021) 794-9081
E-mail : : Website : http//
Sumber : Surat Edaran Jadual USP

Governing authorities and professional organizations

The Japanese Association of Real Estate Appraisal, established in 1965, is the only certified association and is regulated by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism.

Choosing A Minerals Appraiser

There are substantial differences between conventional real estate - single family residences, apartment houses, and downtown commercial office buildings - and mineral property appraisal. Mineral properties are a unique combination of geology, land, property rights, and mineral markets, possessing special attributes and characteristics that conventional real estate appraisers are normally not aware of. A mineral property is a location specific and dependent, special-purpose, limited-market property, and to properly perform an appraisal or evaluation of a mineral property and to communicate the results requires an appraiser with specialized knowledge, skills, and abilities. Acquiring the necessary geologic, mining, minerals industry, and appraisal competency is a long and arduous process, but it is absolutely essential for increasing client and third party confidence and reducing uncertainty in the results.
Questions for screening prospective minerals appraisers: Any appraiser you intend to engage for performing an appraisal of your mineral property or mining business should be able to answer these questions to your satisfaction. Listening carefully to the answers should help guide you in your selection.

(1) What percentage of your time is devoted to the appraisal of mineral properties and mining businesses?

Ideally, the appraiser would be performing only mineral property appraisals and mining business valuations, but the percentage of minerals appraisals should at least be greater than 50%. Some companies may be more interested in property or business brokerage, mining and processing equipment sales, private lending or investment schemes, or other non-valuation activities and may be using their appraisal services only as a lead-in for these activities.

(2) How long have you been appraising mineral properties and mining businesses?

You want a minerals appraiser with a minimum of five years experience actually appraising many different kinds of mineral properties and mining businesses for a broad variety of clients and for many different purposes. A conventional real estate appraiser who normally appraises houses or shopping centers would not have the required geologic, mining, and mineral marketing skills necessary for a credible appraisal. A typical geologist or mining engineer may only be capable of telling you how many tons you have because he does not understand the requirements for bank lending, estate and gift taxation, or legal proceedings such as business dissolution, divorce, or condemnation.

(3) Are you a Certified or Designated member of the American Institute of Minerals Appraisers (AIMA) and/or the Mines and Quarries discipline of the American Society of Appraisers (ASA)?

Are you current with your organization's Continuing Professional Development and Recertification requirements?

These are the only two professional appraisal organizations in the United States that certify or designate members as an appraiser with a specialty in appraising mineral properties or valuing mining businesses. Both of these organizations require their designated members to possess an appropriate mineral industry college degree such as geology, mining engineering, metallurgical engineering, mineral economics, or accounting. In addition they require at least five years of full-time progressively more responsible professional minerals appraisal experience during which full competence has been demonstrated in the application of professional principles and methods involving the understanding of the appraisal approaches utilized in the market for valuing mineral rights and properties and mining businesses interests.

Both the American Institute of Minerals Appraisers and the American Society of Appraisers require applicants to submit actual appraisal reports for peer review of their work product in order to establish the required knowledge and experience requirements. The American Society of Appraisers also requires its applicants to complete a comprehensive examination covering both minerals and appraising knowledge. The American Society of Appraisers also requires it members to complete 100 hours of continuing education in their area of specialization every five years.

(4) Are you a Certified General Real Property/Real Estate Appraiser in your state of residence? What is your license number?

All states require real estate or real property appraisers to be certified as a general appraiser under the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act (FIRREA) of 1989 in order to appraise property for lending by a bank. Some states require this certification for any and all appraisals of real estate and interests in real property.

(5) Are you a Registered Professional Geologist or Mining Engineer in your state of residence? What is your license number?

Currently,early 1998, 22 states require some form of registration, certification, or licensing of persons performing geologic services for the public according to the National Association of State Boards of Geology (ASBOG). All states require registration as a Professional Engineer, but not all states recognize engineering specialties such as Mining Engineer, Geological Engineer, or Metallurgical Engineer. For bank lending purposes and certain legal proceedings some states may have a requirement for licensing or registration as both an appraiser and a mineral industry professional.

(6) Are all of your mineral property appraisals and mining business valuations performed and reported in accordance with The Appraisal Foundation's Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP)?

Many otherwise competent mining engineers or geologists may be able to provide you with useful information about mineral resource potential, mineable reserves, or expected cash flows, but they are not normally aware of such appraisal issues as highest and best use, encumbrances, partial interests, comparison to sales of similar mineral properties, and other USPAP requirements. The Appraisal Foundation has been authorized by the US Congress as the organization responsible for establishing real property appraisal standards and appraiser qualifications. The Internal Revenue Service and other taxation and financial accounting authorities also have specific requirements relating to the appraisal of mineral properties and the valuation of mining businesses.

(7) Have you performed appraisals on mineral properties or mining businesses that are like mine for similar purposes and uses?

Do not be too surprised if a minerals appraiser has not performed an appraisal on a property exactly like yours or for exactly the same reasons. No minerals appraiser has appraised every type of mineral property. There are so many different kinds of mineral properties and mining businesses and reasons that they may be appraised that absolute agreement with yours may be asking too much. What you want is a minerals appraiser who has appraised a broad cross section of different types of mineral properties and mining businesses for a variety of purposes and who will be open and honest with you about his education and experience. Some minerals appraisers tend to specialize in certain types of mineral properties and may be reluctant to take on an assignment that concerns a different type of property and some are unwilling to perform appraisals related to litigation.

(8) Are you willing to sign explicit appraisal and confidentiality agreements?

It is always a good idea to obtain a written agreement of some form, from an engagement letter to a detailed contract, for the performance of a minerals appraisal or consulting engagement. At a minimum this agreement should specify the mineral property to be appraised or the mining business interest to be valued, the scope of the work necessary to complete the minerals appraisal engagement, the purpose and intended use of the appraisal, any special conditions that may exist, along with an estimated completion time, working days and calendar days, and cost and payment terms. It is also a good idea to use an explicit confidentiality agreement because the confidentiality requirements of USPAP are significantly different than most mineral property owner's expectations. Any agreement should also specify who owns and has control of the appraisal report. This can be an important consideration for minerals appraisals performed for litigation purposes.

(9) How long do you think this assignment should take and how much will it cost?

The prospective minerals appraiser probably cannot give you a highly accurate time and dollar answer without knowing more about the type of mineral property, its stage of development, and the purpose and intended use of the appraisal, but he should be able to provide you with a range of completion times and professional fees and business expenses that similar engagements have required.

(10) Will you give me the names and phone numbers of three clients for whom you have performed similar minerals appraisals?

Follow up and call each one.

(11) Will you give me the names of other minerals appraisers who also perform appraisals of the type and complexity I need?

This may be asking too much, but at the least the prospective minerals appraiser should be willing to provide you with a contact name and phone number of the two nationally recognized minerals appraisal professional societies.

American Institute of Minerals Appraisers: 303-443-2209

American Society of Appraisers: 800-ASA-VALU (800-282-8258)/703-478-2228

(12) What types of information will you need form me in order to successfully complete this mineral property appraisal or mining business valuation engagement?

The Data Requirements for Mineral Property Appraisal and Mining Company Valuation Data Requirements pages that are part of this website will provide you with a good idea of the types of data that will normally be required.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pengertian Biaya, Harga, Nilai & Pasar

 Harga adalah sejumlah uang yang diminta,ditawarkan atau dibayarkan untuk suatu barang atau jasa.

 Biaya adalah sejumlah uang yang dikeluarkan atas barang atau jasa atau jumlah yang dibutuhkan untuk menciptakan atau memproduksi barang atau jasa tersebut.

 Nilai adalah Konsep ekonomi yang merujuk pada hubungan financial antara barang dan jasa yang tersedia untuk dibeli dan mereka yang membeli dan menjualnya. Nilai bukan merupakan fakta, tapi lebih merupakan perkiraan manfaat ekonomi atas barang dan jasa pada suatu waktu tertentu dalam hubungannya dengan definisi nilai tertentu.

 Pasar adalah sistem dan atau tempat barang dan jasa diperdagangkan antara pembeli dan penjual melalui mekanisme harga.

Ciri-ciri dari nilai :
 Bila dibutuhkan
 Ada permintaan
 Ada kelangkaan
 Dapat dijadikan sejumlah uang

Price versus value
It is important to distinguish between Market Value and Price. A price obtained for a specific property under a specific transaction may or may not represent that property's market value: special considerations may have been present, such as a special relationship between the buyer and the seller, or else the transaction may have been part of a larger set of transactions in which the parties had engaged. Another possibility is that a special buyer may have been willing to pay a premium over and above the market value, if his subjective valuation of the property (its investment value for him) was higher than the Market Value. An example of this would be the owner of a neighbouring property who, by combining his own property with the subject property, could thereby obtain economies-of-scale. Such situations often arise in corporate finance, as for example when a merger or acquisition is concluded at a price which is higher than the value represented by the price of the underlying stock. The usual rationale for these valuations would be that the 'sum is greater than its parts', since full ownership of a company entails special privileges for which a potential purchaser would be willing to pay. Such situations arise in real estate/property markets as well. It is the task of the real estate appraiser/property valuer to judge whether a specific price obtained under a specific transaction is indicative of Market Value.


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